2. Right choice

Next day

I woke up with a headache and barely any sleep. Pretty used to it by now, cause my nights are not filled with dreams anymore. It's all a nightmare. My life has become a nightmare. No peace when I wake up or try to sleep. It's all the same.

I pick up my phone and see tons of calls from my lawyer. His last message was to come and meet him. So I went on to get ready. As I step outside my house, I'm welcomed with the usual purple heather at my feet. The flowers symbolize admiration. For the past 1 year, I've been receiving these flowers every damn morning.

I tried everything to figure out who sent it to me but found nothing. Every Morning a part of the CCTV footage is found blank. And no one has seen anyone outside my house either. After a long time of investigating myself, I gave up. What am I supposed to do?

I don't have the time to deal with whoever this person is.

I pick those flowers and dump them in the dustbin on the way to my car. I start driving to the address of my lawyer's office.

At the office

Before I could knock on the door to his cabin, Jimin himself opened the door. "You should take your phone and flush it in the toilet" and as usual he welcomes me with his sweet words. "I was tired. Stop shouting at me" I walk beside him and place myself on the chair opposite his desk. He walked over and sat on his seat. Jimin is my lawyer and also an old friend of mine. Ya, he's quite older than me cause I'm 19 and he's 27 but I never really felt that with him.

"What's with that look on your face? Didn't receive flowers today?" he chuckles. I pick up the paperweight on the table and throw it toward him. Jimin's quick reflexes protect him from my attack. "You know I hate them," I say through gritted teeth.

"Woah woah...calm down," he says, putting the weight back in its place. "Why did you call me here?" I said, not wanting to tolerate this dumbass for too long. "Oh yeah.." he sits straight, correcting his posture. "I looked into all the possible outcomes of the incident. The only way you can keep yourself out of this is by staying away from him". He goes on to explain more legal stuff in detail.

"Are you really sure that's the only option?" I say. "Yes," he nods.

"How much time can you give me?" I ask.

"hardly a day, yn. I was suggesting you go right now."

"No, I can't do that-"

"You have to"

I leave Jimin's office and head on to Taehyung's place. The poor guy needs me for this. It's been a week since Rosalin's death, and I've never seen Taehyung this miserable. As much as I want to stay with him and comfort him, I have a lot going on at the same time.

I just graduated and need to look into universities while also handling this mess. All this while that creepy asshole follows me everywhere. Even after being followed for about a year, never have I ever been hurt or attacked. This person is just there to walk with me as my shadow.

Upon reaching Taehyung's huge mansion, I rang the doorbell for one of the maids to open the door. Taehyung was filthy rich. Rich as fuck. At the young age of 19, he had all the things you can think of starting from branded clothing to expensive cars.

I met him in my first year of high school when I first transferred to this school. We were very good friends until one day he proposed to me. I could never say no to a guy like him. He had everything I ever wanted.

Walking inside the living area, I see his mom, sitting on the couch as she blankly stares at the wall. I followed her gaze to find Rosalin's picture on the wall. "Mrs. Kim.." I tried to keep my voice as soft as possible and still, it echoed everywhere.

"Oh...yn." She looks at me, immediately wiping her tears "How are you darling?" I walk up to her and sit beside her. "I'm fine. What about you? Are you feeling better?" I ask, side-hugging her. "Not really darling. It's just her absence that is really eating me" She rubs her cold hand against my palm.

"mhm...I feel it too. Everything will be fine. She's in a better place" I slightly cringe at myself for no reason. I'm not someone who is good with comforting yet here I was trying to console a woman who lost her young 19-year-old daughter.

"I know you are here for taehyung. He's upstairs in his room. He's not eating anything and I'm worried for him. Please make sure he eats 'cause he listens to you more than me" she bitterly chuckles. "Don't worry. I'll take care of him. You should also take care of yourself and don't skip meals. I said as I stood up to walk upstairs.

"Taehyung...hunny" I called him, knocking on the door. Not getting any response from him, I slowly opened the door. He was curled up on his bed, completely still. I walk closer to him to find his eyes completely emotionless. He was beyond traumatized. "Babe..it's me" I sat on the back facing him. He looks up at me and then again zones out as a tear rolls down his face.

"Shh...it's fine, baby. It's all fine" I wiped his cheek and kissed his forehead. He sat up straight, heaving a deep sigh as he buried his face in his palm, breaking down in tears. "Hey hey..." I panic, placing myself on his lap as I pull his hand away. "Look at me" I cup his cheeks connecting our foreheads.

He hugs me tightly and I wrap my arms around him, leaving no space between us. We stay like that for a while, his face resting in the crook of my neck as he places soft kisses on my skin. "I love you yn" he speaks against my skin. "I know."

Taehyung pulls back from the hug looking at me. "What did you say?" His eyebrows furrowed. "What-" "Say it back" he insists. "Say what taehyung, what are you saying?" I try my best to dodge his suspicion.

"tell me you love me yn"ย 

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